Thursday, 6 March 2014

In Like a Lamb?

It's March.  Can you believe it?!?! I certainly can't.  Already into the 3rd month of the year.  And yesterday at work, a customer had the audacity to remind me that Christmas is coming in 9 months.  O. M. G. I just about fell over.

So, I have been a busy girl! Well, I think so, anyway.  I work a lot.  It keeps me busy.  When I'm off work, this is what I do ;)

We're looking at Yoda, people.  Yoda.  The Force, Be with You, It May ... Vanilla cake covered in green buttercream.  The raised areas of his face I did all in icing..since I'm not much of a carver ;)  It's so much fun to play with sugar and butter lol!

The next one was a bit...well....yellower...
I like to call him Bee-do.  6 layers of chocolate cake with buttercream fill and buttercream icing on the outside.  The glasses strap, mouth and overalls are modeling chocolate, and the glasses are white fondant painted with silver pearl dust.  As for the sirens, I was going to do cake, but changed my mind once I figured out that it would have to be dowelled to infinity just to hold them on. So, red plastic beverage cups rimmed with aluminium foil it was.  He's so much fun!

What is your favourite movie character? Have you ever had a cake made in his/her likeness?? Let me know! Want to see something I haven't done? Just ask...I need practise, since that's what keeps me perfect ;) Ask and you may just receive!